Is Texas One of the Most Gerrymandered States?

Is Texas One of the Most Gerrymandered States?

In a recent article, PolitiFact called onĀ Azavea Senior GIS Analyst Daniel McGlone, and other experts in the study of gerrymandering, to determine a Truth-O-MeterTM ranking for this statement:

Texas is one of the most gerrymandered states in the union.

– Beto O’Rourke, U.S. Senate candidate, D-Texas, remarks on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher”, Friday, March 16, 2018

Azavea interviewed for Politifact gerrymandering fact check

We have worked on projects related to the analysis of redistricting and gerrymandering since our early days. From writing white papers, to maintaining a database of legislative boundaries, to calculating the efficiency gap for each state, to visualizing Pennsylvania’s gerrymandered districts, to testifying in court, we have been at the forefront of gerrymandering studies.

In our latest support of the cause, Senior GIS Analyst Daniel McGlone spoke with PolitiFact to set the record straight about the ranking of gerrymandered states.

Read more in the PolitiFact article to answer the question: Is Texas one of the most gerrymandered states?