STAC Labeling Competition — Video Recap

STAC Labeling Competition — Video Recap

Late last year, we ran a labeling competition using GroundWork as part of the Cloud Native Geospatial Sprint organized by Radiant Earth Foundation. We wrote about three lessons we learned from the experience in a blog post shortly after the event, but in the intervening months, we took the opportunity to reach out to contestants to hear their perspective. 

We were incredibly impressed by the generosity, enthusiasm, and skill of the labeling contest participants, and we found ourselves inspired by the incredibly diverse group of people who came together, from across the world, to collaborate on a single mission. In this case, it was to raise awareness about the SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) spec and create a hallmark training dataset compliant with the standard.

We reached out to dozens of contestants to ask why they participated and what their interest in the competition was. The answers we got back were amazing. So, we’ve compiled a brief video summarizing some of their responses below:

We love hearing about how people use GroundWork! If you have a project you’ve used GroundWork for you’d like us to highlight, please let us know at