We’ve Been Shipping Code!

We’ve Been Shipping Code!

Over the past few months, two of our open source products and the Cicero API have had important releases.  Check out some of the improvements:

October 2012:

OpenTreeMap v1.2 – Release Notes

The latest version of OpenTreeMap incorporates an API, on which our new iOS mobile app and upcoming Android app are based. The iOS code is already on GitHub, and apps for PhillyTreeMap, Greenprint Maps, and the UrbanForestMap are available in the iTunes App Store.

August 2012:

GeoTrellis v0.7 – Release Notes

Josh wrote a post on the Azavea Labs blog about the release candidate of GeoTrellis 0.7, but the project has since moved on to a full release with expanded documentation and improved performance, and an upcoming driver in GDAL 2.0.  We expect to release GeoTrellis 0.8 before the end of the year as well.


April 2012:

Cicero v3.1 – Release Notes

This year the Cicero team revamped the API from the ground up following REST design principles.  This was our big v3.0 release in the sprint.  On the coattails of that transformation, Cicero v3.1 added searches by ZIP+4 or British/Canadian postal codes, by an official’s last name, photo URLs for officials, and improvements in response time.  As always, we are updating the database daily and will be working hard over the next two months to make sure the database is up-to-date as new legislators are inaugurated from the big national election on Nov 6.