Aaron Su

Aaron is a Software Engineer on the Raster Foundry Team at Azavea. Aaron graduated from University of Pennsylvania with a...

Luke McKinstry

Luke is a Software Engineer on the Geospatial Applications Team at Azavea. Luke has a M.S. in Computer Science from...

Simon Kassel

Simon is a Software Engineer on the Civic Applications Team at Azavea. Simon has had roles as both a Data...

Justin Polchlopek

Justin is a Software Engineer on the Geospatial Technology and Research TeamĀ at Azavea. He graduated with a Master’s degree in...

Nathan Zimmerman

Nathan is a Software Engineer on the Geospatial Technology and Research Team at Azavea. He graduated from the University of...

Justin Walgran

Justin is a Senior Software Engineer on the Civic Applications Team at Azavea. Justin primarily works on JavaScript and C#...